She is a big fan of La La land so that he planned to use this movie to be the theme of his proposal. The Tailored Moment helped him to organise a fake La La Land fans meeting event by opening a Facebook Page with designed posters and event details. She believed it was an official event and she was looking forward to the event that she even prepared the costume for the fans meeting.
她是電影La La Land 的粉絲,所以他計劃了用這套電影做主題向她求婚,所以今次的主題是La La Land電影主題求婚。The Tailored Moment協助他開辦了一個假的Facebook專頁舉辦了一個La La Land電影主題活動,並設計了相關的海報宣傳品。她對這個活動深信不疑,並十分期待這個電影活動,積極準備電影中男女主角的服裝。
On the event day, we found 30 extras to pretend the guests and they played games with the couple in order to win a fake prize. Suddenly, we announced there is a performance by our dancers and our client went to the middle and danced with the dancers. She was so surprised as she couldn’t believe the whole event was not real. He spent so much effort to learn the dance in the past few months.
He came towards her after the dance, took out his ring and knee down. She said yes!
最後,他跳舞後走上她面前,拿出戒指單膝下跪向她求婚,她答應了!他們也十分喜歡這次的La La Land電影主題求婚。
The Tailored Moment的服務內容:
- 尋找場地
- 尋找30位臨記及安排綵排
- 安排舞蹈老師為男主角排舞及教授La La Land音樂的舞蹈
- 佈置場地
- 提供攝影及攝錄服務
- 活動策劃
- 代訂99枝鮮花
Services The Tailored Moment Provided:
- To search for the suitable location
- To provide Decoration Services
- To find 30 extras and arrange rehearsal for them
- To arrange a dance tutor to teach dancing
- To provide Photography and Videography Services
- To provide event planning services
- To book 99 red roses bouquet
想看更多求婚個案,可到我們的 Facebook/ Instagram/ Twitter/ Pinterest @thetailoredmoment
Want to get more information on our proposal cases, please visit our Facebook / Instagram / Twitter /Pinterest @thetailoredmoment